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Message from Xenia Tigno

President of PAASE (2016)

Dear Friends and Colleagues,


On behalf of the current officers and Board of Directors of the Philippine American Academy of Science and Engineering (PAASE), and the local organizing committee of the Annual PAASE Meeting and Symposium, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the beautiful and historic city of Washington, the District of Columbia.


Washington D.C. is arguably the political center of world affairs.  This year, in addition, it will enjoy the distinction of being the epicenter of discussions related to developments in science and technology as they impact the training of the next generation of Filipino scientists and engineers, and scientists of Philippine descent.  Going beyond preparing our youth to meet the challenges of the 21st century, the meeting will also review the far-reaching consequences of scientific and technological progress on the Philippine economy, health delivery, the environment, food security and the political landscape, as well as our preparedness to respond to emerging and unforeseen scientific scenarios. Finally, as we engage in the healthy exchange of ideas, identifying compelling needs, hearing new perspectives, and learning new approaches, we hope to be able to offer recommendations on how to address the most urgent issues, and provide a structure by which partnerships can be fostered, across the seas and cyberspace.


Welcome to Washington!

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